Too often, were quoted to remove existing tiles over balcony areas, where leaks are occurring below onto the balcony below. This is very costly, besides the inconvenience of the length of the project as well as the dust and piles of cement and old tiles.
Our transparent coating, does away with all that hassle. Choose between a gloss or matt finish as well as a non-slip finish. Hyperdesmo is a single pack operation and very simple to apply.

Why choose Waterproofing Worx to waterproof over tiles balconies?
- We have more than 30 years experience in spalling and concrete repair
- We are expert at the diagnosis and repair of all forms of defective concrete
- We work closely with and are endorsed by suppliers, including Sika, ABE and Stonecor
- We impliment strigent quality control and quality assurance protocols
- Quality is our ethos and we offer a guarentee on materials and workmanship
- All contracts are subject to a strict quality plan that conforms to ISO9000
- Health and safety checks and controls are implemented and are to NOSA standards
- Our staff are highly trained and training is ongoing to match industry advancements
- We have specialised equipment to properly undertake concrete and spalling repair